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Three Awards for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Science: Submit Your Nomination by December 31st, 2023

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) is pleased to announce the following three awards:

  • The 2nd edition of the “Science, She Says” award, which recognizes the work of a young female scientist (not Italian) who contributed to the progress of science and technology by carrying out her research in the People’s Republic of China (full notice).
  • The 6th edition of the “Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation” award, which recognizes the work of a young Italian citizen (under 35) currently active in the People’s Republic of China for his/her outstanding contributions to the progress of bilateral scientific cooperation in any field of science and technology (full notice).
  • The 6th edition of the “Innovation that speaks Italian” award, which recognizes the work of an Italian citizen currently active in the People’s Republic of China for the founding of innovative and technological startups (full notice).

The deadline for submitting applications is December 31st, 2023.